baby massage workshop and series
"Infant massage allows a unique opportunity to communicate love, acceptance, compassion and joy through gentle touch. It is the essence of nurturing parenting."
Stephen Bavolek, PhD (Psychologist)
The birth of your child is a magical and exciting moment for everybody in the family. However, the first few days and weeks of the life of your newborn can be a very challenging time, especially for first-time moms. Exhausted, overwhelmed, worried for their babies, many moms feel powerless and frustrated.
Baby's 1st Massage workshop teaches you a simple way to create a relaxing, rewarding, nourishing and bonding time with many benefits for the whole family. In this 1 hour workshop you will learn everything you need to know to start a daily massage practice that has been shown to improve circulation, stimulate the immune system, help newborns sleep better, cry less, have less digestive issues, gain weight faster and to establish a foundation for a lifetime of healthy connection between you and your little one.
- 1 hour workshop is held Saturdays at Creme de la Creme in downtown Frisco
- $55 for 1 baby and up to 2 adults, includes a booklet with pictures, and a 2 ounce bottle of oil
- Private sessions at our or your place available

"Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins."
Dr Frederick Leboyer

- Build on the skills learned in Baby's 1st Massage class as your infant grows. This evidenced base program is practiced in over 50 countries around the world and teaches you how to gain additional skills to relieve baby's discomforts, strategies and tools to optimize baby's development, helps you discover your own expertise as a nurturing caregiver, building confidence in your parenting skills and offering a community of support with other like minded families.
- 4 weeks series is $200 for 1 baby and up to 2 adults and are held on Saturdays at Creme de la Creme in downtown Frisco. Includes 30 pages workbook and a 2 ounce oil bottle. You have 6 weeks to attend your 4 classes and may attend all 6 at no additional cost
- Private sessions available at our home studio or your place
"I will always be grateful to you for teaching me about baby massage and coming to my house the first few weeks after I had my daughter to show me how to do it on her. Two years later I still massage her every night after her bath."
- Silvia M
"Mimi once again I can't thank you enough for your positive life changing skills you've brought to my family! Jude was a highly sensitive and extremely colic-y baby and Mimi's infant massage class saved us! The one time he was relaxed and peaceful in the evenings was for his daily massage! It set up such a fabulous routine for us to create the incredible bond that we have today!
Taylor S
"Shortly after Shiloh was born, I started giving her a nightly massage also and Jude loves to help! It's such a fun sweet special time for us... And as a bonus my sweet babies reap the numerous benefits of massage!"
Taylor S
"Mimi has come to our new mother's class at Prestonwood church twice. The mothers have loved the infant massage class! They have stated it made them feel more confident in handling their babies and in being able to give them comfort and love through touch. Mimi is calm, reassuring, and totally at ease during the class. We would highly recommend her.